The weekend before school started we went to St George. We needed one last summer getaway before I started back into nursing school and Josh started back into business school. Josh was able to get half day off Thursday and all day Friday, so we were able to have a nice long weekend. We got to St George on Thursday night and put back all of the furniture because the condo had just been stripped of popcorn ceiling, so all of the furniture was moved into the kitchen. On Friday, we went for a full day to Sand Hollow. We got so lucky and were the ONLY ones on the day beach. It was so quiet and peaceful and relaxing. We floated on our rafts and tanned our skin for the last time of the year ;) We found some sweet cliffs to jump off of and toured the whole middle island. On Saturday we had quite the experience..... We had gone up to Zion's National Park planning on doing the River Walk. We parked our car in town and took the shuttle up to the park... only to realize we had forgotten our walking sticks. Back down we go to the 15 minute shuttle bus ride to the car. We get our walking sticks and head back up to the park. We take the long park bus ride all the way to the top, where the river walk is, which was about 30 minutes. When we are pulling out our walking sticks, I told Josh we should put the keys in our waterproof bag. But... we cannot find our keys anywhere. We dump out our backpacks and they are nowhere to be found. Panic sets in. Did I leave them in the trunk when we went back to get our walking sticks? Did they drop out on one of the shuttles? Great. So we head back to the park desk and ask if any keys had been turned in, nope. Head back to our car and notify all the buses going into town that we are looking for our car keys. All three buses respond saying they don't have them. Long story short, we end up calling our Mazda support people and they send a towing company to break into our car. The keys were in the trunk. We had first arrived at the park at 11 am and by this time is was nearing 4 pm so we decided to call it a day and go back to the condo... sad :( All in all we had an awesome relaxing trip and wish we could go back more often!

Golf cart ride
Funnies picture EVER
Love my baby :)
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