Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today I took my last finals... ahhh the relief of having no school for 3 more months. I passed all my finals and got all A's in my first semester of nursing school :) YAY!! Now I can just relax... read... work... and go to Jamaica!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Hunger Games

Josh's dad put the Hunger Games series of books onto my iPhone last week. I had heard from a ton of people that they were really good books and I was sooo excited to read them! I have finals all this week so last Thursday when I started I told myself I'd read one book and then I needed to wait to read the last 2 books til I was done with finals. WELLL.... 6 days and 1,153 pages later... I am DONE with the series :) I love to read and when I read something I love it's hard for me to put it down, and when I do I can't concentrate on anything else. On Sunday I finished the 2nd book and told myself... Amber you have 3 finals starting tomorrow you cannot start the 3rd one. But monday morning came and I started the book and just finished it in less than 24 hours. For anyone who has not read them I definitely recommend them because they are amazing. I got a 90% on my final on Monday and my last 2 finals are tomorrow so I am studying right now. Once tomorrow night rolls around I will be done with school til August and won't have any more books to read so Josh will be glad to have the attention back to him since all I did all weekend was read my books from morning to midnight hahaha sorry honey! I am going to read as many books as possible this summer since I have no school... yay! My next book will be "Matched" by Allie Condie which I will start reading after Jamaica. We leave in 3 days wooo!! If you have any good recommendations to me for good books, leave me a comment :)