For my birthday this year Josh and I (and Roxy of course!) went down to the condo in St George. We left Friday afternoon and came home late on my birthday (Monday). It was nice to have a long 4-day weekend, spent down in the warmth and sunshine. We mostly just watched TV shows on the iPad and slept in til noon everyday... but that is what we like! On Saturday, Josh surprised me by dropping me off at the St George Day Spa and I got an hour long facial! I have never had a facial before and it was wonderful and so relaxing! Sunday night we went and got Wendy's frosties and stayed up til 12:58 am to celebrate when I was born :) At midnight I was so antsy, Josh let me go look for my present. I am like a little kid... if Josh brings my presents in the house, I will look, and I don't deny it. So he hid my present really good this year in his car. It was an iPod Nano, lime green, the new touch screen ones! Since it is small, he hid it in the front of his car behing this big plastic part.. hard to explain but I would have never thought to look for it there. I am so excited and have wanted a Nano since they came out! It has the Nike plus thing so I can do a workout, go walking/running and it'll tell me how many calories I burned and how many steps I took and when I plug it into my computer, it will pull up a map of where I ran outside! I used to always workout with my big classic iPod which I would put in an armband. So it is huge and would give me a tan line! This little bugger has a built in clip and I can just clip it on my shorts or shirt or anything and go running or workout! It's awesome!!! I stayed up til 2 am messing with it and putting songs on it :) On Monday (my birthday) we went to Ihop for breakfast.. mmmm their gingerbread hot chocolate is awesome!!! We then went back to the condo and I took a nap because we had stayed up til 2 playing with my nano. Josh was awesome and cleaned the whole condo (vacuumed, did the dishes, swept the floors, cleaned the bathrooms,etc) so when I woke up we were ready to leave! We ended up taking a ride on the golf cart... which Roxy LOVED! And then we went and hit a bucket of balls down at the golf course. We decided to just drive home and eat dinner by our house, since we didn't want to get home too late and I didn't want ot eat dinner at 4:00 before we left St George. We went to one of our new favorite places in Riverton called Salsa Leedos. It was so yummy! Best of all... its cheap! Our whole meal (pop, chips and salsa, enchiladas, rice, and beans) was only $15 (plus tip).. we went to Wendy's in St George and it was $17!!! And we were still hungry! Wendy's is a joke! Ahhh it was a perfect birthday and I am very grateful that we were able to go on a vacation and get away!

Roxy digging for rocks and trying to retrieve them...
She loves when I do this... just like a baby does haha
Salsa Leedos
Our little family ♥
The wind blew her bangs back so she actually could see!
My baby
Super Puppy!
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