Most of you know that Josh and I celebrate Valentine's Day on February 7th every year. This is because he left on his mission a few years ago on Feb 11, so we had to make Vday early that year, and we have kept it on the 7th ever since then. It is so nice to have it on a different day, it really is a holiday about love, so why do we HAVE to celebrate it on the 14th? We get to go out to eat wherever we want and not have to wait in line for 3 hours and sit shoulder to shoulder in a packed restaurant. We also get first pick of all the candy before it is gone! I worked on Monday, the 6th, and got a surprise delivery from my honey. A big thing of flowers that was beautiful! This year I wanted to do something really special since we are both so busy and don't get much time with each other. I booked us a room at a bed and breakfast in Sandy called Castle Creek Inn. It is like the Anniversary Inn, but not as expensive and they do a 3 course breakfast! They have 10 themed rooms, such as Romeo and Juliet Suite, Garden Suite, King's Lodge... etc. We stayed in Ivanhoe. Not sure what that means, but it was awesome and I loved it. Josh woke up early and made me the best breakfast ever! Heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, extra crispy bacon, hashbrowns, and eggs! He is the best! I wanted to surprise Josh and not tell him that we were staying anywhere so I just told him that after we went to dinner, I had a surprise. I didn't work at all that day, so I made heart shaped brownies and frosted them and took them to Josh at work. Cutting shapes out of brownies was a lot harder than I thought it would be! But they were delicious and everyone at his work loved them. All of his guys in the warehouse always ask when I am going to bring cookies, I bring them in randomly and they all love them, so every time they see me they expect some haha. We decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner, which is always delicious! I then had him follow my directions as we drove to the inn, and told him not to pay attention to signs and just pull in where I tell him. He was so surprised when he came in and saw the room. They even have a whole cupboard of movies and offer free popcorn, candy, brownies, and soda! This place was awesome and we will definitely go back!

Special delivery!
A few days later when they bloomed.. so pretty!
My delicious breakfast in bed!
Castle Creek Inn
Our sweet room!
Big tub with mood lighting and the silver thing on the wall is where the water comes out like a waterfall!!
Happy Valentines Day!