It has been a while since I have posted. Nothing much happening lately, I am just working while Josh works and goes to school. We are both taking classes this summer. I just found out I only have 13 credits to do and I can get my Associate's degree, so I'm just going to do all 13 this summer and get my degree before I start the RN program (hopefully this fall) so while I am in nursing school I don't have to worry about taking extra classes on top of my full time load to finish my AS degree. I am so excited!! Josh is taking one online class for business school, then he is back to 9 credits this fall.
For Easter I was really sick all weekend, but thankfully I got Easter Sunday off work and we were able to sleep all day and just enjoy being together. We dyed eggs Saturday night after I got home from work, even though it was quick because I was deathly ill. Of course we got each other easter baskets :) Easter is my FAVORITE holiday because I love easter candy, bright colors, and spring! We have a full pantry of candy now! We went to my dad's for the Maxwell easter dinner party Sunday night.
Josh's cute little eggs!
Josh's ballin' easter basket :)
My basket with beautiful long-stemmed flowers AND 6 bags of mini Cadberry eggs! YESSSS!!
Josh found a penguin easter egg!!!!
My cute little baby Roxy
Our little family
Sleepy baby
I don't think I every mentioned our trip we planned for our 2nd anniversary! We are going to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic! We are going for one week over our anniversary :) We are so excited and counting down the days to be on a warm, sunny beach! 52 days! We are so grateful that we get to travel and go on a big trip every year, and can't wait for the other places we get to explore in our lives !
Our resort: Majestic Elegance